Sunday, July 8, 2012

12.31K Run

This morning I ran 12.31K in 1hour and 43mins with the running group.  It was cooler out this morning then it has been which was nice.  There happen to be a 8K race in Gibbons Park when we finished so my last 1.5K was pretty strong as the race participants motivated me to pick up my speed.  This is the route we took:
S-Bike Path Gibbons Park
S-Bike Path Harris Park
W-King St Bridge
W-Bike Path to Children’s Museum
Thru Tunnel
W-Terry Fox Parkway
Turn Around at Springbank Gardens

This is my schedule for next week:

Monday: Rest Day
Tuesday: 6K Run
Wednesday: 5K Run
Thursday: 8K Run with Running Group
Friday: Rest Day
Saturday: 5K Pack Run
Sunday: 13K Run with Running Group

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