Sunday, June 24, 2012

South Huron 8K Trail Run

Today I ran the South Huron 8K Trail Run in 1hour and 3mins.  I am happy with this as I shaved 2mins off my 8K time from Friday night's race.  It was much cooler this morning for the run and the trail was really nice to run on.  Someone at the start at the race mentioned that the trail was fairly flat.  They lied.  It was not flat, pretty hilly if you ask me.
Me before the race in my race shirt
Me crossing the finish line
Tonight I also made a blueberry smoothie to take to work the next two mornings.  This is the recipe:
1 cup of fresh blueberries
8 ounces of yogurt
3/4 cup of skim milk
2 tablespoon of sugar
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 tablespoon of protein powder
pinch of nutmeg

This is my schedule for next week:
Monday: Rest Day (I think I will check out a group class at Goodlife)
Tuesday: 5K Run
Wednesday: 4K Run
Thursday: 6K Run with Running Group
Friday: Rest Day
Saturday: 4K Pack Run
Sunday: 10K Run with Running Group (we start at 7am :( )

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