Sunday, August 18, 2013

Week In Review

This week I was able to make it out on all 5 of my scheduled runs!  On Tuesday I ran 7.06K in 57mins.  On Wednesday I ran 5.75K in 37mins.  Both these runs I did from work. 
On Thursday I ran 9.94K in 1hour and 21mins with the Running Group.  On Saturday I ran 5.31K in 42mins.  Saturday's run was a little hot!
Today I ran 20.09K in 2hours and 44mins with the running group.  It was a little warmer then last week and I ended with some aches and pains.  One included a huge blister on my big toe, right in between the next toe.  Here is my schedule for next week:
Monday: Cross Train

Tuesday: 8K Run
Wednesday: 6K Run
Thursday: 8K Run
Friday: Rest Day
Saturday: 5K Run
Sunday: 22K Run to Port Stanley

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